Results for 'Miguel R. Ramos'

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  1.  24
    Too Old for Computers? The Longitudinal Relationship Between Stereotype Threat and Computer Use by Older Adults.João Mariano, Sibila Marques, Miguel R. Ramos, Filomena Gerardo & Hein de Vries - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2. De Plotino a S. Agustín.San Miguel & José Ramón - 1964 - Madrid,: Librería Editorial Augustinus.
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    Imagen de la destrucción. Estética del vértigo.Miguel Ángel Ramos Sánchez - 1997 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):131-164.
    El cuño técnico de la cultura actual ha desordenado el marco tradicional en el cual la imagen podía persistir. El ojo ordenador y la representación contemplativa tradicional fracasan ante la velocidad vertiginosa con que nos inundan hoy las imágenes: el ojo ya no ve, sólo vibra. El autor propone una Estética del vértigo, cuyo propósito es volver a lograr un encuentro entre la concepción tradicional de las imágenes, lo cual significa hoy una defensa de la pintura, y la presencia evanescente (...)
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    Aspectos transformadores de la experiencia humana a la luz de la práctica de la meditación de atención plena.Miguel Ibáñez Ramos - 2018 - Endoxa 42:285.
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    Linhas direitas: cultura e política à direita.Miguel Morgado & Rui Ramos (eds.) - 2019 - Alfragide, Portugal: D.Quixote.
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    Quality evaluation of total parenteral nutrition in an acute care setting.María Jesús Gómez Ramos, Francisco Miguel González Valverde & Carmen Sánchez Álvarez - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):61-67.
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    Evaluation of medical ethics competencies in rheumatology: local experience during national accreditation process.Virginia Pascual-Ramos, Irazú Contreras-Yáñez, Cesar Alejandro Arce Salinas, Miguel Angel Saavedra Salinas, Mónica Vázquez del Mercado Del Mercado, Judith López Zepeda, Sandra Muñoz López, Janitzia Vázquez-Mellado, Luis Manuel Amezcua Guerra, Hilda Esther Fragoso Loyo, Miguel Angel Villarreal Alarcón, Mario Pérez Cristobal, Eugenia Nadina Rubio Pérez, Alfonso Ragnar Torres Jiménez, María del Rocio Maldonado & Everardo Álvarez-Hernández - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):839-842.
    IntroductionRheumatologists are the primary healthcare professionals responsible for patients with rheumatic diseases and should acquire medical ethical competencies, such as the informed consent process (ICP). The objective clinical structured examination is a valuable tool for assessing clinical competencies. We report the performance of 90 rheumatologist trainees participating in a station designed to evaluate the ICP during the 2018 and 2019 national accreditations.MethodsThe station was validated and represented a medical encounter in which the rheumatologist informed a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (...)
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    La postecología de los regímenes de la vida y las configuraciones contractuales de la soberanía global: reflexiones en torno a una ecología decolonial.Miguel Ángel Guerrero Ramos - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 27:272-292.
    RESUMEN Desde una visión ético-ontológica de la vida, esta posee una entidad propia. Una entidad que no dejaría de ser tal bajo un reconocimiento pleno de la entidad jurídica de todo lo vivo y sus capacidades de agencia, ya que ello implicaría no el flotar jerárquico-simbólico de una significación antropocéntrica sino el flotar discursivo de una significación biocéntrica mucho más amplia e igualitaria. En esa medida, el objetivo principal de este artículo estriba en relacionar de forma reflexiva y filosófica el (...)
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  9. Neuroética. Derecho y neurociencia.Miguel Ángel Capó, Marcos Nadal, Carlos Ramos, Atahualpa Fernández & Camilo José Cela Conde - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (25):163-176.
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    Social Support and Emotional Intelligence as Protective Resources for Well-Being in Moroccan Adolescents.Esther Lopez-Zafra, Manuel Miguel Ramos-Álvarez, Karima El Ghoudani, Octavio Luque-Reca, José María Augusto-Landa, Benaissa Zarhbouch, Smail Alaoui, Daniel Cortés-Denia & Manuel Pulido-Martos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gobierno y gobernanza en el estado mexicano.Sánchez Ramos & Miguel Ángel de Guadalupe (eds.) - 2019 - México: Juan Pablos Editor.
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  12.  27
    Ethical conflicts and the process of reflection in undergraduate nursing students in Brazil.F. R. S. Ramos, L. C. D. F. Brehmer, M. A. Vargas, A. P. Trombetta, L. R. Silveira & L. Drago - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (4):428-439.
    Background: Nursing students on clinical placements as part of their professional training are routinely faced with situations involving ethical conflicts. The initial act of perceiving a situation as causing an ethical dilemma is the result of both the students’ personal values, drawn from their culture and families, and of the professional knowledge and values that they have acquired through training and experience. Objectives: Nursing students’ experiences on clinical placements in primary care settings were investigated in order to identify situations that (...)
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  13. Rethinking darwin in Light of a Culture of Communion.Miguel R. Oliveira Panao - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (3):619-634.
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    The concept of function in molecular biology: a theoretical framework and a case study.Miguel Ramón Fuentes - 2016 - Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press.
    The question that probably emerges when the title of this work is read is if it is possible to establish any relation between philosophy and a scientific discipline such as molecular biology. The common opinion, shared even by many renowned biologists and philosophers, is that each of these disciplines has got its own without taking into account the results of the other. However, the relation between science and philosophy is nowadays one of the most challenging topics, where philosophers and biologists (...)
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    Gendered Geographies across Time I.Beatriz Hermida Ramos & Miguel Sebastián-Martín - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):299-303.
    The first Early Researchers' Seminar for Science and Speculative Fiction: Gendered Geographies across Time showcased the many and diverse approaches to speculative fiction (SF) currently being pursued within the University of Salamanca's English Department, which in a matter of years has become an unexpected hotbed of aspiring SF scholars. A graduate student–led initiative organized by Paula Barba Guerrero (University of Salamanca), the seminar comprised six sessions that took place in spring 2023. The series opened with a keynote by Miriam Borham (...)
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  16.  30
    Women’s and men’s role in culture of honor endorsement within families.Manuel Miguel Ramos-Alvarez, Noelia Rodríguez-Espartal & Esther Lopez-Zafra - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (1):72-88.
    In this article, we analyze the patterns of culture of honor within Spanish families. Each member of 271 Spanish four-member families completed a questionnaire containing scales for the culture of honor and for sociodemographic variables. The results show that intra-family similarities emerge. However, path analyses show that the gender and birth order of the child are relevant in predicting this similarity. In particular, the first-born child converges with their mother to a higher extent than the father regardless of their gender. (...)
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  17.  32
    Prior Publication and Redundancy in Contemporary Science: Are Authors and Editors at the Crossroads?Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Miguel Roig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1367-1378.
    We discuss prior publication and redundancy in contemporary science in the context of changing perceptions of originality in the communication of research results. These perceptions have been changing in the publication realm, particularly in the last 15 years. Presenting a brief overview of the literature, we address some of the conflicts that are likely to arise between authors and editors. We illustrate our approach with conference presentations that are later published as journal articles and focus on a recent retraction of (...)
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  18. Discursos a la academia de Dijon.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A. Pintor-Ramos, John Locke, L. González Puertas, Cirilo Flórez Miguel & Pseudo-aristóteles - 1980 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 36 (2):217-218.
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    Erratum to: Prior Publication and Redundancy in Contemporary Science: Are Authors and Editors at the Crossroads?Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Miguel Roig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1379-1379.
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  20.  24
    Directly Exploring the Neural Correlates of Feedback-Related Reward Saliency and Valence During Real-Time fMRI-Based Neurofeedback.Bruno Direito, Manuel Ramos, João Pereira, Alexandre Sayal, Teresa Sousa & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: The potential therapeutic efficacy of real-time fMRI Neurofeedback has received increasing attention in a variety of psychological and neurological disorders and as a tool to probe cognition. Despite its growing popularity, the success rate varies significantly, and the underlying neural mechanisms are still a matter of debate. The question whether an individually tailored framework positively influences neurofeedback success remains largely unexplored.Methods: To address this question, participants were trained to modulate the activity of a target brain region, the visual motion (...)
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  21.  62
    Síndome de Kabuki: estudo de caso a respeito das características comportamentais, cognitivas, sociais e fonoaudiológicas.Teresa H. Schoen-Ferreira, Juliana Mp Ramos, Maria Eb Ávila, Renata R. Dabbur, Thais A. Lima & Márcia Rf Marteleto - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 32:70-79.
    A Síndrome de Kabuki é um distúrbio bastante raro, com múltiplas anomalias congênitas. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever características comportamentais, cognitivas e sociais de uma criança com seis anos de idade com Síndrome de Kabuki, e suas implicações no processo escolar. Como resultados, verif..
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  22.  25
    Funciones Docentes: Su Enseñanza y Aprendizaje En Los Grados En Maestro.Olga Belletich & Miguel R. Wilhelmi - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-10.
    La experiencia docente universitaria en los Grados en Maestro demuestra que existen obstáculos didácticos para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las competencias asociadas a las funciones y prácticas docentes requeridas en la escuela. El objetivo es describir una propuesta didáctica diseñada ex profeso que permite superar estos obstáculos. Se demuestra que las metodologías activas que conceden mayor autonomía en el estudio y que fomentan la indagación son más propicias para el desarrollo de estos aprendizajes. El marco teórico se fundamenta en (...)
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  23.  17
    Cajal and consciousness: scientific approaches to consciousness on the centennial of Ramón y Cajal's Textura.Pedro C. Marijuán & Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal (eds.) - 2001 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Machine generated contents note: Cajal and Consciousness: Introduction. By PEDRO C. MARIJUAN1 -- Part I. Consciousness, One Hundred Years after Textura -- Progress in the Neural Sciences in the Century after Cajal (and the Mysteries -- That Remain). By THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT, THOMAS M. JESSELL, -- ERIC R. KANDEL, AND MICHAEL I. POSNER11 -- Part II. Biological Complexity and the Emergence of Consciousness -- Consciousness, Reduction, and Emergence: Some Remarks. -- By MURRAY GELL-MANN41 -- The Epistemic Paradox of Mind and (...)
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  24. Epistolario completo Ortega-Unamuno.José Ortega Y. Gasset, Miguel de Unamuno, ed Robles & ed Ramos-Gascón (eds.) - 1987 - [Madrid?]: El Arquero.
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    Triangulated Quasi-Experiments.Miguel R. Olivas-Luján - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:373-375.
    Given the difficulties in Business & Society research to establish causality, one of the crucial tasks in the sciences, a Quasi-Experimental Approach (QEA) is suggested as a research design suitable to a variety of questions in the field. Triangulation is also suggested as a complement to the QEA way to tease out plausible alternative explanations. A recently published study is used as an illustrative example.
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    Representación, reconocimiento y significado del número irracional y la función periódica en la formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria.Luis Darío Reina & Miguel R. Wilhelmi - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-24.
    En este trabajo se estudia un fenómeno didáctico que puede emerger en la construcción de dos nociones matemáticas, a saber, los números irracionales y la función periódica. Se analizan los conflictos semióticos asociados al reconocimiento visual de la periodicidad numérica y funcional. Se observa que estos conflictos se pueden agrupar fundamentalmente en tres dimensiones: una, cognitiva, relativa a la forma de adquisición de las nociones por los sujetos, en especial en aquellos aspectos relativos a la percepción visual; otra, epistémica, relativa (...)
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  27. La estetica de R. G. Collingwood.S. Ramos - 1959 - Dianoia 5 (5):135-149.
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  28.  32
    Thermal and acoustic experiments on polymorphic ethanol.B. Kabtoul, R. J. Jiménez Riobóo & M. A. Ramos - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):4197-4203.
  29. Grupos sanguíneos (sistema ABO) de los indios y mestizos de los alrededores de Quito.R. Ramos de Andrade, C. Lascano & M. Zarate - 1959 - Humanitas 1:2.
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    Brillouin spectroscopy experiments on polymorphic ethanol.R. J. Jiménez Riobóo & M. A. Ramos - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):657-663.
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  31.  44
    Cross-modal metaphorical mapping of spoken emotion words onto vertical space.Pedro R. Montoro, María José Contreras, María Rosa Elosúa & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  32.  6
    ... Curso colectivo de filosofía del derecho dictado en la Facultad de derecho de Buenos Aires, en mayo y junio de 1942.Ramón Marcos Alsina (ed.) - 1943 - Buenos Aires,: Imprenta de la Universidad.
    Introducción a la problemática jurídica actual, por R. M. Alsina.--La filosofía de la cultura, por Francisco Romero.--El sentido del derecho para la vida humana, por Juan Llambías de Azevedo.--El derecho como objeto y la ciencia del derecho, por E. R. Aftalión.--Las especies del saber jurídico (consideraciones de epistemología) por Manuel Río.--Posición cultural de las orientaciones políticas, por M. T. Ruiz Moreno.
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    Thermoelastic expressions for the effective coefficients of a fibre-reinforced composite.R. Guinovart-Díaz, F. J. Sabina, J. Bravo-Castillero & R. Rodríguez-Ramos - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4181-4199.
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    Socioemotional Resources Account for Academic Adjustment in Moroccan Adolescents.Daniel Cortés-Denia, Karima El Ghoudani, Manuel Pulido-Martos, Smail Alaoui, Octavio Luque-Reca, Manuel Miguel Ramos-Álvarez, José María Augusto-Landa, Benaissa Zarhbouch & Esther Lopez-Zafra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  35. Field Guide on Comprehensive Planning: Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition-oriented Rural Development Program at Local Levels.J. Eusebio, R. C. Dacanay, Ma Cp Ramos & L. L. Lantican - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  36.  12
    H.L.A. Hart y la teoría analítica del derecho.J. R. de Páramo - 1984 - Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.
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    The process of moral distress development: A virtue ethics perspective.Carolina S. Caram, Elizabeth Peter, Flávia R. S. Ramos & Maria J. M. Brito - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):402-412.
    This theoretical paper proposes a new perspective to understand the moral distress of nurses more fully, using virtue ethics. Moral distress is a widely studied subject, especially with respect to the determination of its causes and manifestations. Increasing the theoretical depth of previous work using ethical theory, however, can create new possibilities for moral distress to be explored and analyzed. Drawing on more recent work in this field, we explicate the conceptual framework of the process of moral distress in nurses, (...)
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Homogenization of a micro-periodic helix.J. M. Vivar-Pérez, J. Bravo-Castillero, R. Rodriguez-Ramos & M. Ostoja-Starzewski - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4201-4212.
  40.  22
    Couple Communication in Cancer: Protocol for a Multi-Method Examination.Shelby L. Langer, Joan M. Romano, Francis Keefe, Donald H. Baucom, Timothy Strauman, Karen L. Syrjala, Niall Bolger, John Burns, Jonathan B. Bricker, Michael Todd, Brian R. W. Baucom, Melanie S. Fischer, Neeta Ghosh, Julie Gralow, Veena Shankaran, S. Yousuf Zafar, Kelly Westbrook, Karena Leo, Katherine Ramos, Danielle M. Weber & Laura S. Porter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:769407.
    Cancer and its treatment pose challenges that affect not only patients but also their significant others, including intimate partners. Accumulating evidence suggests that couples’ ability to communicate effectively plays a major role in the psychological adjustment of both individuals and the quality of their relationship. Two key conceptual models have been proposed to account for how couple communication impacts psychological and relationship adjustment: the social-cognitive processing (SCP) model and the relationship intimacy (RI) model. These models posit different mechanisms and outcomes, (...)
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  41.  39
    Do two-level systems and boson peak persist or vanish in hyperaged geological glasses of amber?T. Pérez-Castañeda, R. J. Jiménez-Riobóo & M. A. Ramos - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):774-787.
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  42. Raymond Lulle, philosophe et missionnaire.par Ramón Sugranyes de Franch - 1986 - In Ruedi Imbach, Raymond Lulle: christianisme, judaïsme, islam: les actes du Colloque sur R. Lulle, Université de Fribourg, 1984. Fribourg, Suisse: Editions universitaires.
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  43.  38
    Invar model for δ-phase Pu: thermal expansion, elastic and magnetic properties.A. C. Lawson, J. A. Roberts, B. Martinez, M. Ramos, G. Kotliar, F. W. Trouw, M. R. Fitzsimmons, M. P. Hehlen, J. C. Lashley, H. Ledbetter, R. J. Mcqueeney & A. Migliori - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (17-18):2713-2733.
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    Xolocotzi, A. Y giru, R. (coord.). "Fenomenología Del cuerpo Y hermenéutica de la corporeidad". Madrid, plaza Y Valdés, 2014, 279 pp. [REVIEW]José Antonio Ramos - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 12:291.
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    De bruces en el charco.Cristina Sendra Ramos - 2021 - Relectiones 9:33-35.
    De bruces en el charco Miguel Ángel Poblet Prólogo de Ángel Barahona Editorial Nuevo Inicio.
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    Derecho y moral: ensayos analíticos.Jerónimo Betegón, J. R. de Páramo & Gerald Dworkin (eds.) - 1968 - Barcelona: Ariel.
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    Factorial Structure of the EOCL-1 Scale to Assess Executive Functions.Carlos Ramos-Galarza, Jorge Cruz-Cárdenas, Mónica Bolaños-Pasquel & Pamela Acosta-Rodas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The process of assessing executive functions through behavioral observation scales is still under theoretical and empirical construction. This article reports on the analysis of the factorial structure of the EOCL-1 scale that assesses executive functions, as proposed by the theory developed by Luria, which has not been previously considered in this type of evaluation. In this scale, the executive functions taken into account are error correction, internal behavioral and cognition regulatory language, limbic system conscious regulation, decision making, future consideration of (...)
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    Lattice constants and anisotropic microstrain at low temperature in242Pu–Ga alloys.A. C. Lawson *, J. A. Roberts, B. Martinez, R. B. Von Dreele, B. Storey, Heather T. Hawkins, M. Ramos, F. G. Hampel, C. C. Davis, R. A. Pereyra, J. N. Mitchell, F. Freibert, S. M. Valone, T. N. Claytor, D. A. Viskoe & F. W. Schonfeld - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (18):2007-2025.
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    Do Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Mindfulness Have a Complementary Effect on the Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotional States?Jose M. Mestre, Jorge Turanzas, Maria García-Gómez, Joan Guerra, Jose R. Cordon, Gabriel G. De La Torre & Victor M. Lopez-Ramos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Morfologia genética em Schleiden e Grant: a célula vegetal e o animal elementar.Maurício De Carvalho Ramos - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):217.
    No presente estudo, discuto e sintetizo o conceito de célula vegetal de M. J. Schleiden e o conceito de animal elementar que elaboro a partir da ideia de “animal abstrato” sugerida por R. E. Grant. A elaboração e a interpretação que conduz a essa síntese é feita ampliando a ideia do desenvolvimento como um princípio regulador, proposta por E. Cassirer. Concebo tal ideia como expressão de uma racionalidade morfológica genética. O resultado geral obtido é que a célula vegetal e o (...)
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